Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mario Kart: Race for Good Grades

This is a contest I have running all year.  I found a map of my favorite Mario Kart track, copied it onto contruction paper, then divided the track into about 60 spaces (like a game board.)  On orientation night, at the beginning of the school year, I give every student a paper with all the Mario Kart characters on it.  I ask them to number their top three so no one ends up with the same car.  Once I have a car for each student I write their names on them and have them laminated.  I tried gluing a thumbtack to the back to make them easy to move, but the glue I used didn't stick to the tack well so I ended up taping it.  This track I put up on the bottom of my calendar bullentin board. 

How it works:
       After every test and quiz the karts get moved.  They move 3 spaces for a 100%, 2 spaces for an A, and 1 space for a B.  Everytime they pass the finish line to complete a lap they get a sticker on their cart.  At then end of the year, to celebrate everyone's hard work, we have an ice cream party.  They get one scoop of ice cream for every sticker on their kart.

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