Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Bulletin Boards

I love bulletin boards!  Here are some of the ones I've made that are my favorites!

This is usually my last bulletin board of the year.  I use some of my favorite class pictures enlarged to 8x10 so they stand out better.

The background of this is real newspaper.  It looks amazing and is easy to get for free!

I have to give credit for the idea for this one to my brother Ben.  I used to draw the Hot Cheetos guy for our bus signs and Ben suggested I use it for my first bulletin board in student teaching.  He also gave me the verse.  The flames are made out of tissue paper.  I colored the tips red and crumpled the bottom edges to make it 3D.

This is my favorite board of all time, also made for student teaching.  I used a real stick and string for the fishing pole and tied a G.I.Joe to the end of the string.  I used straight pins under the arms of the action figure to get it to stay on the board.  The fins of the fish are tissue paper to give them the nice translucent look.

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